The Basics of the Internet: Functionality and Importance

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The Basics of the Internet: Functionality and Importance

As you are reading this article it means you are connected to the internet, Do You know How the internet works how is it possible that you can read this article

let’s explore this journey together 🤝

The first question is raised in mind What is the internet?

The internet is nothing but a huge spread of wires in oceans that connect all over the world through smartphones computers servers, etc

How Internet Works

Your devices (Computers are phones) connect to the internet through Wifi and mobile network providers

How You See Your Searched Data

When you search for anything in the Chrome browser, Your request goes to the server than the server responds to your request and provides the requested data, The question is data how server know that you are requested for a particular data or website why the server does not respond wrong? seems interesting!

Here DNS The Domain Name system plays an important role The First time our request goes to the DNS, DNS gives a particular IP address to a specific domain then this IP address goes to that particular address It is similar to our actual housing address our crome not use the IP address directly, because it is not possible for humans to read IP addresses and writes because IP address based on numbers it’s like 34:45: 67 For every Domain name have a particular IP address when our request goes to a server in response server send a required data that our browsers display to us

How data travels on the Internet

Data moves in tiny packets (Small chunks of information) These packets are sent from your device, pass through routers and servers, and arrive at their destination, where the server sends information data packets.